Huffington Post: Saving Greece, One Bite at a Time

My youthful wanderings landed me on the Greek isle of Hydra, where I spent two glorious months running a pension, a small bed and breakfast in an old sea captain’s house with a fig tree in the courtyard. Each day, I would go down to the docks and buy calamari and clean them and serve them to my guests. It was this that gave me my love of the Aegean, and its people and food. read more…

Murray’s Blog: Greek to Me

Nothing does hot nights, and summer vibes better than watermelon. I mean, what says “dang, it’s hot” better than slicing into a juicy, sticky, sweet melon? Few things. Of course, since Murray’s is a cheese shop, we had to find a way to sneak some dairy in there. Feta, the perfect pairing. Salty and crumbly, not only does it play well with the flavors of watermelon but it also provides a nice textural change. read more…